Philippine Business for Social Progress Inc.
About the Company
Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) is a private and non-profit foundation dedicated to promoting business sector commitment to social development. It was organized in December 1970 by 50 of the country’s prominent business leaders, and has since grown to become the nation’s largest and most influential business-led social development foundation. From an initial membership of 50 business companies, it has grown to more than 160 members, worked with some 2,500 partner organizations, provided over P4.6 billion in financial assistance which supported over 5,000 projects, and benefited close to 2.5 million poor households. For the past 32 years, PBSP has been the business sector’s vehicle in delivering organized, professional, and sustainable assistance to the Filipino poor, particularly the landless farmers, fisherfolk, rural workers, urban poor, and indigenous cultural communities. An aggressive membership and corporate involvement program continuously invites corporations from all over the country to join the PBSP membership. As member companies, corporations commit to allocate 20 percent of one percent of net income before taxes to fund the Foundation’s operations and programs. The Foundation considers as its key strengths: development technology, which is founded on the premise that development is about helping people to help themselves; and corporate support, in the form of financial resources, time and competencies that its member companies invest to help improve the quality of life of the Filipinos.