Polytechnic College of Davao del Sur
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Programs Offered
- BS in Nursing
- MA in Nursing major in:
- Administration and Supervision in Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
- Maternal and Child Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing
Tuition Fees
Bachelor’s degree:
₱ per year
Master’s degree:
₱ per year
Doctorate degree:
₱ per year
Course Description
Mission: A leading educational institution in Davao del Sur maximizing human potential through programs in science, technology and entrepreneurship and serving the province by responding to cultural, educational, technological, and economic development challenges.
Vision: As Davao del Sur’s college of choice in the 3rd millennium, PCDS is committed to offering quality education that is accessible to all and responsive to the changing market needs.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is a four-year degree program that provides students the adequate training and knowledge necessary for patient care and health care assessment. This program has a Related Learning Experience (RLE) training which allows the students to be exposed to different health care settings and should demonstrate necessary nursing interventions on a patient assigned to him/her.
A graduate of this program is required to take and pass the Nurses Licensure Examination to be considered a Registered Nurse (RN).
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