Remedios Trinidad Romualdez Memorial Schools, Inc
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Bachelor’s degree:
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Master’s degree:
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Doctorate degree:
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Course Description
BS Nursing is one of the leading The Dona Remedios Trinidad Romualdez Medical Foundation programs, which aims at developing professionals who internalize the competencies and shall continue to assume responsibility for personal and professional development, contributing to the nursing profession. The Dona Remedios Trinidad Romualdez Medical Foundation degree is internationally recognized by CHED- Commission on Higher Education, Philippines, APMC, PRBOOM, PAASCU, DOH, WHO, MCI. With the Dona Remedios Trinidad Romualdez Medical Foundation ranking within 12,000 and a national rank within 250, Dona Remeddio Trinidad Romualdez has also achieved the title of “ top five nursing schools among 483 universities which were evaluated for the Nursing Board Examination.”
Student Body Size