STI College San Pablo
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Programs Offered
- BS in Nursing
- MA in Nursing major in:
- Administration and Supervision in Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
- Maternal and Child Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing
Tuition Fees
Bachelor’s degree:
₱ per year
Master’s degree:
₱ per year
Doctorate degree:
₱ per year
Course Description
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is an academic degree in the science and principles of nursing. Its a four year course comprises of major nursing care management accross the lifespan, related learning experiences through specialized labaratories, clinics, hospitals and community setting, and general education. By obtaining a BSN, it will open the door to a wide range of career possibilities and further personal and professional development locally and globally. The college aims to develop holistic nurses and health providers making them competent through outcomes based and technology – driven instruction, quality research and proactive community engagement. It envisions itself as an educational hub of nurses and health providers which enriches, enhances, and advances learnings on nursing care, locally and globally.
Student Body Size