Pamplona Hospital and Medical Center Inc.
About the Company
The new Pamplona Hospital and Medical Center, Inc. (PamplonaMed), was established among medical practitioners and a number of individuals from various corporate backgrounds. Their common vision was to build a hospital of choice that provides patients with high quality medical services while maintaining a unified effort to create a competitive edge.
Building upon the 23-year old history and tradition of a family run clinic, the new hospital with its bigger and modern facility aims to provide crucial patient care and diagnostic units to address various medical needs of patients from all ages, incomes and physical abilities.
With ease of accessibility, quality of care, availability of doctors with diverse specializations, pleasant support staff, enhanced systems and procedures, PamplonaMed seeks to translate these factors into patient satisfaction and high referral rates.
On a larger scale, the founders of PamplonaMed are set to pursue the greater opportunity of helping serve the health care needs of the community and in its modest way, contribute to its development by leveraging medical expertise and an overarching sense of compassion.