Saint Mary’s University
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Programs Offered
- BS in Nursing
- MA in Nursing major in:
- Administration and Supervision in Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
- Maternal and Child Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing
Tuition Fees
Bachelor’s degree:
₱ per year
Master’s degree:
₱ per year
Doctorate degree:
₱ per year
Course Description
The School of Health and Natural Sciences of Saint Mary’s University, envisions to become a leading health care educational institution that aims to produced globally competent health care professionals, and a science resource center that will develop excellent, innovative Christian Science experts who can transform lives through its mission.
The School of Health & Natural Sciences aims to produce professionally prepared health care providers and professionals in various areas of natural sciences who are imbued with the Christian spirit of service, social insight and commitment, and humanitarian dedication. OBJECTIVES The School of Health and Natural Sciences aims to:
1. prepare the young person for the humane and effective practice of health care in various settings by proper understanding of the principles and methods of modern scientific health services;
2. prepare professionals who can conduct significant researches in the field of health care and natural sciences.
3. prepare professionals who may enroll for further studies in Medicine and other allied health science degree programs.
4. provide enough opportunities for active involvement in various programs in the health care and natural sciences and for actual practice in real situations and field work;
5. provide the students with the broadest possible background of cultural and professional knowledge thus equipping them with the discipline and skills needed;
6. inculcate Christian values necessary for the students to live a wholesome and productive life as professionals and as individuals.
Student Body Size